, (2) insufficient evidence on the reasonableness of the management's decision to approve the deposit payment for the investment in the Native based Scene Advertising Digital Solution, and (3) the
อนุมัติจ่ายเงินมัดจำเพื่อการลงทุนในโครงการ Native based Scene Advertising Digital Solution และ (3) การที่ผู้สอบบัญชีของบริษัทย่อยแสดงความเห็นต่องบการเงินบริษัทย่อยอย่างมีเงื่อนไข เนื่องจากบริษัทย่อยไม่ได้
decision to approve the deposit payment for the investment in the Native based Scene Advertising Digital Solution, and (3) the auditor’s qualified opinion on the financial statements of the subsidiary
ลงทุนในโครงการ Native based Scene Advertising Digital Solution และ (3) การท่ีผูส้อบบญัชีของบริษทัยอ่ยแสดงความเห็นต่องบการเงิน บริษทัยอ่ยอยา่งมีเง่ือนไข เน่ืองจากบริษทัยอ่ยไม่ไดต้ั้งค่าเผือ่หน้ีสงสัยจะสูญ
artificial regeneration to regenerate forest of the same native species, with most of the principal characteristics and key elements of native ecosystems of that site, is not by itself considered as conversion
million Baht from the investment made by two investors, namely Apollo Asia Sprint Holding Company Limited and Goldman Sachs Investments Holdings (Asia) Limited in two subsidiaries which were Pace Project
million Baht from the investment made by two investors, namely Apollo Asia Sprint Holding Company Limited and Goldman Sachs Investments Holdings (Asia) Limited in two subsidiaries which were Pace Project
and PP3 entered into Investment Buy-Out Agreement with Apollo Asia Sprint Company Limited (“Apollo”) and Goldman Sachs Investments Holding (Asia) Limited (“Goldman”), (investment partners) in order to
Asia Sprint Holding Company Limited (“Apollo”) and Goldman Sachs Investments Holdings (Asia) Limited (“Goldman”). The total amount of the purchase is, not exceeding, USD 320 million or, not exceeding
the Company, respectively from Apollo Asia Sprint Holding Company Limited (“Apollo”) and Goldman Sachs Investments Holdings (Asia) Limited (“Goldman”). The total amount of the purchase is, not exceeding