presence in the international arena and enhance competitiveness and opportunities of business operators and participants in the Thai capital market. The hosting opportunity would also help to enhance the
(mass) มีโอกำสในกำรเข้ำถึงบริกำรจำก global player ที่มี established presence ในประเทศที่มีกำรก ำกับดูแลตลำดทุนเป็นที่ยอมรับ ของส ำนักงำน มีควำมน่ำเชื่อถือโดยพิจำรณำจำกฐำนลูกค้ำและ ส่วนแบ่งกำรตลำด มีระบบ
sophisticated machine learning. JEL Classification: C45, G34, M14 Keywords: corporate culture, board gender diversity, female directors, corporate governance, machine learning, textual analysis, agency theory 2
(1) the changing IT usage in business practices, (2) the increasingly sophisticated technical approaches and mechanisms of cyber threats, (3) the revisions to preventive measures for addressing
on their behalf by those agents. As sophisticated investors with influence, often including voting rights, institutional
. Entry into Australia will further diversify Indorama’s geographic presence. The Huntsman assets and IVL assets are managed by extremely talented people who together will forge a successful global
their interests and on their behalf by those agents. As sophisticated investors with influence, often including voting rights, institutional
The seminar was graced by the presence of the Deputy Secretary-General to the Prime Minister for Political Affairs Kobsak Pootrakool, whose lectured under the topic of “How Thai Capital Market
presence of distinguished guests, including H.E. Dr. Aun Pornmoniroth, Minister of Economy and Finance and SECC Chairman, H.E. Touchayoot Pakdi, the Ambassador of Thailand to Cambodia, and executives from
(ThaiCERT). Given the more sophisticated cyber risks, financial institutions as service providers, and customers as users, are increasingly vulnerable to losses. In terms of cyber security readiness, however