Bangkok, August 10, 2009 ? With the introduction of ?trust? as a new form of asset management tool under the Trust for Transactions in Capital Market Act B.E. 2550 (2007), the SEC is in the process of drafting regulations governing establishment and management of real estate investment trust (REIT) to allow the use of trust for fund raising and investment in real estate projects in line with international practice. The new regulations will offer the investing public an alternative instrument f...
Bangkok, February 1, 2013 ? According to the news coverage, the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) on January 2, 2013 announced that the Special Investigation Working Team resolved to press charges against officials of the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) and the two companies - Krungthep Thanakom Co., Ltd. (KT), Bangkok Mass Transit System PLC (BTSC) ? including their executives for involvement in the skytrain contract that they have allegedly operate railway systems or obtainin...
Bangkok, 13 November 2017 ? In response to the Ministry of Finance's request, the SEC is conducting another public hearing on the draft amendment to the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992) concerning the establishment of the Capital Market Development Fund (CMDF). This second consultation focuses on revising the CMDF's objectives to include necessary financial support for the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET). The first hearing conducted earlier in the month of June attracted various,...
Bangkok, February 10, 2009 ? The SEC is holding a public hearing on the draft amendment to the Securities and Exchange Act for demutualization of the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) until February 23, 2009. To enable SET demutualization, it is necessary to make amendments to the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992) in such areas as transformation of the SET into a public company limited (Exchange Company: EXCO), supervision of the EXCO and establishment of the Capital Market Development...
SEC Secretary-General Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol said: “Doing good deeds for motherland can start small with any basic thing within one’s organization. The SEC, for example, introduces Vibhavadi Zero Waste Campaign using our office building on Vibhavadi Road as the starting point. We invite listed companies, our neighbors on Vibhavadi Road, to join the campaign which we hope will stimulate more efficient waste management within their organizations and reduction of waste that cannot be reused o...
Earlier, the Civil Sanction Committee (CSC) resolved to impose civil sanctions on six offenders* in the case of manipulating the BM share price, requiring them to make the total payment of 8,001,949 baht (consisting of civil monetary penalties, compensations for the benefits received or would have been received, and the reimbursements of investigative expenses incurred by the SEC) and prohibiting them from trading securities or derivatives for a period of six months or 11 months each (as the cas...
Earlier, the Civil Sanction Committee resolved to impose civil sanctions on Mr. Thanawat, who was IFEC director and executive at the time of the offence. He was ordered to pay a civil fine and return any gains from the wrongdoings.* Mr. Thanawat came in to acknowledge the civil sanctions, but did not consent to comply with the punishment terms within the specified time. The SEC has therefore requested the public prosecutor in writing to file a lawsuit against Mr. Thanawat in the Civil C...
Bangkok, October 21, 2009 ? The SEC is conducting the second public consultation on the regulations governing establishment and management of infrastructure funds.Having taken into account comments and suggestions from the earlier consultation conducted during September 1 to October 15, 2008, the SEC has revised several relevant provisions, including those governing the offering and allotment of investment units, multi-tranche investment units, investment limit, investment in infrastructure proj...
mainstream products such as, cryptocurrency, ICOs, or other types of Bitcoins, they could fall victim for solicitations, which would result in a loss of capital.Therefore, SEC hereby invites the public to