AUGUST 14,2019 Dear Director and The Manager of SET Re: Operating Performance’s Summary of Q2/2019 In the second quarter of 2019, the Company had sales of 291.03 million baht. It decreased 21.80
consumers have slowed purchases and prices have risen. Market conditions are highly competitive. Therefore, the cost of sales increased . Profitability has decreased . Yours Sincerely, f~~' Ms. Piyanan
of the economy has slowed due to the impact of the COVID19 pandemic and the downward trend of the world steel price. 2. Gross profit margin was 7.23% of Total revenue, decreased from last year that
decreased 30.54 million baht, or equivalent to 9.37% from the same period of previous year due to the Thai economy that slowed down. Spending and government investment were inadequately driven economy
decreased by 40.92 million baht or equivalent to 12.88% compared to the same period of previous year. It caused by the slowdown of the Thai economy which affected to both domestic and outside the country
, private investment slowed down as confidence in the election and the direction of investment from the government through large projects. In the first quarter of 2018, the Company installed and delivered the
near future. For the impact on Thailand, The Baht appreciation is greatly appreciated. Compared to other currencies, as a result, the competitiveness of Thailand on the world stage has decreased
year, private investment slowed down as confidence in the election and the direction of investment from the government through large projects. In the second quarter of 2018, the Company have been
investment slowed down as confidence in the election and the direction of investment from the government through large projects. In the third quarter of 2018, the Company is more productive for our customers
economic growth slowed down from the previous year, which is mainly due to the rapid slowdown in exports from the risks of global economic policies, including trade wars and Brexit. The Thai government