business, featuring both house brand – separate by Apparel under brand Inco, Cheval, Sleep Mate, ETC brand, Non- Apparel under brand Cherish, Prim, Rollica, Cushy, etc., and other brand products. The Company
business, featuring both house brand – separate by Apparel under brand Inco, Cheval, Sleep Mate, ETC brand, Non- Apparel under brand Cherish, Prim, Rollica, Cushy, etc., and other brand products. To date
sale the idle asset, Deed No. 332983 and 333835 located in Praksa sub-district, Mueang Samut Prakan district, Samut Prakan province in total area 21 Rai 1 Ngan 37.6 square wa the price of 138,736,000
sale the idle asset, Deed No. 332983 and 333835 located in Praksa sub-district, Mueang Samut Prakan district, Samut Prakan province. The Area is nearby the J City Sukhumvit – Praksa Project, in total
days of credit term The reason The Company sold the unused equipment to KPPH to reduce outstanding idle equipment and to create maximum benefits for the Company. 2nd transaction Partners of Contract
ประเภทเอา๊ทเ์ลท โดยสนิคา้ทีว่างจ าหน่ายภายในเอ๊าทเ์ลทนัน้ เป็นสนิคา้อปุโภคภายใตต้ราสนิคา้ของบรษัิทแบง่เป็นกลุม่ สนิคา้ Apparel ภายใตแ้บรนด ์Inco, Cheval, Sleep Mate, ETC และกลุม่สนิคา้ Non-Apparel ภาย
ประเภทเอา๊ทเ์ลท โดยสนิคา้ทีว่างจ าหน่ายภายในเอ๊าทเ์ลทนัน้ เป็นสนิคา้อปุโภคภายใตต้ราสนิคา้ของบรษัิทแบง่เป็นกลุม่ สนิคา้ Apparel ภายใตแ้บรนด ์Inco, Cheval, Sleep Mate, ETC และกลุม่สนิคา้ Non-Apparel ภาย
KPPH to reduce outstanding idle equipment and to create maximum benefits for the Company. The total transaction size of Disposal on fixed asset is Baht 1,181,648.58 which is accounted to 0.007% under the
outstanding idle assets and to create maximum benefit for the Company. The total transaction size of Disposal on fixed asset is USD 978,501 (Approximately Baht 29,985,478 which is accounted to 0.05% under the
% – 74.3% throughout the year 2017, over the cycle, anyhow overall went on at higher level than previous year, somewhat improved indicates the recovery trend, but not too much while big portion of idle