Detecting Corporate’s Earnings Manipulation in Thailand Corporate Governance Attributes and Audit Report Timeliness: Mediating Role of Corporate Disclosure and Transparency and Moderating Role of
A String of Earnings Increases, Future Earnings Uncertainty, and Firm Fundamentals* Sarayut Rueangsuwan † Kasetsart University, Thailand August 2015 Abstract Prior literature on meeting or beating
. There is less attention on the relationship between CSR efforts and the price-earnings (PE) ratio. Although both ratios are market-based valuation measures, Tobin’s Q ratio depicts the market’s valuation
Quantitative methods in accounting research A String of Earnings Increases, Future Earnings Uncertainty, and Firm Fundamentals Sarayut Rueangsuwan Kasetsart University SEC Working Papers Forum 19th
Promotion Operation Review ... 1 The effect of natural disaster on earnings management Supavinee Jevasuwan Kasetsart University SEC Working Papers Forum 19th August 2015 2 Research Question 3
descending order by the probability of occurrence of the risks and significance of their effects; (9) information about administration and management of the mutual fund; (10) warnings about the mutual fund; 1
increase loss of 3%. The Company would like to clarify a significance change of the Group’s operating results were summarized as follows: 1. Revenue from sales and services for the six-month period of 2017
loss of 52%. The Company would like to clarify a significance change of Group’s operation results were summarized as follows 1. Revenue from sales and services for the six-month period of 2017 decreased
decrease loss of 89%. The Company would like to clarify a significance change of the Group’s operating results were summarised as follows: 1. Revenue from sales and services for the year 2018 was Baht 380
million, a decrease loss of 54%. The Company would like to clarify a significance change of the Group’s operating results were summarised as follows: 1. Revenue from sales and services for the first quarter