, purchasing power is still weak and no clear sign of recovery in sight. To strengthening their competitive edge in other to enlarge market share, the players have to focus on boosting sales figures rather than
upgrade and 4) interest cost saving. Even though there was a 5.3% y-on-y increasing gas cost per unit in 2019 while a sight increase in Ft charge. • NNP / NNP - owner of the parent increased 118.4% / 94.5
stronger role in the over- sight of risk management policies as well as implementing effective remuneration policies. Priority 6: Shareholder engagement should be encouraged and facilitated, in particular by
i SUSTAINABLE FINANCE INITIATIVES FOR THAILAND In collaboration with Sustainable Finance Initiatives for Thailand P a g e | 2 Contents 1. Foreword ................................................................................................................................................ 3 2. Executive Summary .............................................................................................................................. 5 3. Background and Motivations for Developing the Initiat...
, who led the Thai WEPs Awards jury panel, expressed AWEN’s enduring support for female entrepreneurs. “AWEN Thailand has been proactive in building the networks of female entrepreneurs in Thailand