with greater opportunities to participate in the development of regulatory standards for international capital markets. It also enhances trust and confidence in the Thai capital market while showcasing
: Push to the Limit, Stop the Corruption,” featured exhibitions showcasing anti-corruption efforts across various sectors, raising awareness and anti-corruption commitment performances. The ceremony took
featured panel discussions for exchanging ideas and showcasing research projects, aiming to integrate academic findings into the formulation of regulatory and developmental policies for the capital market
. The SEC also set up an exhibition booth showcasing the collaboration on personal data protection among the three financial sector regulators – the Bank of Thailand (BOT), the Office of Insurance
. The SEC also set up an exhibition booth showcasing the collaboration on personal data protection among the three financial sector regulators – the Bank of Thailand (BOT), the Office of Insurance
investment or have had enough money for long term. Therefore, SEC has gone ahead with the main strategic plan this year, promoting qualified wealth advisors easily accessible by people to use fintech as the
showcasing 10 outstanding impact enterprises who are currently seeking additional capital to scale both their business and impacts. We will be organizing the virtual pitching event on Zoom, which will take
impact investor networks. This virtual pitching event will be showcasing 10 outstanding impact enterprises who are currently seeking additional capital to scale both their business and impacts. We will be
model. Moreover, the SET has made the SET ESG Ratings List, showcasing listed companies with outstanding ESG performance. This year, there are 193 listed companies on the list. Additionally, the SET has
going-concern basis”) และเมื่อไม่สามารถด าเนินกิจการต่อไปได้ 1 (“loss absorption on a gone-concern basis”) ความเสี่ยงและ ผลกระทบต่อผู้ลงทุนภายใต้สถานการณ์ต่าง ๆ เป็นต้น 2) เปรียบเทียบความแตกต่างของลักษณะ