คำขอลงทะเบียน/เปลี่ยนแปลงข้อมูล/เพิกถอนผู้บริหารบัญชีผู้ใช้งาน (account administrator)
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Preparation of Report on Changes to the Securities and Derivatives Holding of Director, Executive, Auditor, Plan Preparer and Plan Administrator
Preparation of Report on Changes to the Securities and Derivatives Holding of Director, Executive, Auditor, Plan Preparer and Plan Administrator
securities public offering (PO). The revised rules require the issuers of non-listed company not have any records of severe misconducts for a certain period prior to securities offering submissions. For
ผูบ้รหิารบญัชผีูใ้ชง้าน Account Administrator การยืน่แบบแตง่ต ัง้ Account Administrator ระบบแจง้แตง่ตัง้ฯ Create ค ำขอโดย กำรกรอก e-Form Company account ระบบแจง้แตง่ตัง้ฯ Download ค ำขอ (pdf) & Print
money laundering, etc. Moreover, the issuer must not violate or fail to comply with the law, which may cause severe and significant effects on the issuer’s business; (2) Empowering the SEC to lay out
, plan administrator and interim plan administrator under the law on bankruptcy. In case that such persons are a juristic person, it shall include relevant directors and executives of such juristic person
severe and significant effects on the issuer’s business; (2) Empower the SEC to lay out guidelines in detail regarding the consideration of cases involving severe legal violation or causing severe and