Bangkok, 24 November 2017 ? The SEC urges investors to read important information on the prospective listed companies to examine duty performance of company directors and executives before making investment decisions. Investor education, market discipline and stakeholder participation are also emphasized apart from supervision and enforcement.Mrs. Sirivipa Supantanet, SEC Assistant Secretary?General, said: ?Annual report and other reports such as quarterly financial statements and management dis...
notification which are Finnomena did not take the client’s knowledge assessment result for consideration of the complex fund sale service and Finnomena did not have selecting seller procedure. SEC Act S.113
, especially in overseeing the quality of financial reporting process, selecting quality auditors, and communicating adequately with the auditors. It also served as a channel to provide information and useful
policy(2) Preparing consent forms(3) Selecting and implementing appropriate security safeguards such as access control(4) Producing and managing “Record of Processing Activities (ROP)” that will used to
when selecting securities brokers and should seek verification on the securities licensees of such brokers by visiting the SEC website at or inquiring the information from the SEC Help
profiles] phanchul Typewriter [Indicate the status, at least one] phanchul Typewriter [When selecting this one, fill some more description] phanchul Typewriter [When selecting this one, fill some more
information to understand before selecting their investment policy, SEC had then discussed with relevant departments to revise the details of such regulations, in order for the provident fund members to
information to understand before selecting their investment policy, SEC had then discussed with relevant departments to revise the details of such regulations, in order for the provident fund members to
IOSCO on 7 June 2019 in accordance with IOSCO criteria for selecting the Annual Meeting host three years in advance. An average attendance of the Annual Meeting is 600 persons from more than 225 capital