Bangkok, October 27, 2015 - The SEC urges shareholders of Superblock Public Company Limited (SUPER) to thoroughly study the solar cell power plant investment project before casting votes at the
("android")!==-1?p=!0:d=/avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|playbook|silk|iemobile|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker
, including, mobile phone numbers, email addresses, addresses on the identification cards, addresses on the house registration, permanent address, home telephone numbers, and facsimile numbers. Sensitive data
size after orientation changes in IE on Windows Phone and in iOS. // 5. Setting @viewport causes scrollbars to overlap content in IE11 and Edge, so // we force a non-overlapping, non-auto-hiding
, including, mobile phone numbers, email addresses, addresses on the identification cards, addresses on the house registration, permanent address, home telephone numbers, and facsimile numbers. Sensitive data
Office, photos from closed circuit television, thermometers, etc. Contact information: Information for contact purposes, including, mobile phone numbers, email addresses, addresses on the identification
, mobile phone numbers, email addresses, addresses on the identification cards, addresses on the house registration, permanent address, home telephone numbers, and facsimile numbers. Sensitive data: Data
mobile phone numbers, email addresses, addresses on the identification cards, addresses on the house registration, permanent address, home telephone numbers, and facsimile numbers. Sensitive data: Data
, mobile phone numbers, email, addresses on identification cards, and gender, etc. The types of personal data the SEC Office will collect depends on the necessity of the SEC Office in the carrying out of
services to investors continuously and clients’ digital assets are securely safeguarded. The SEC requires that digital asset business operators have efficient risk management and be equipped to tackle