Bangkok, January 14, 2016 ? SEC Secretary-General Rapee Sucharitakul today announced the SEC Strategic Plan 2016-2018 to stakeholders from all sectors, placing a special focus on well-balanced and fundamental development of ecosystem in the Thai capital market to enhance trustworthiness as well as efficiency and competitiveness of intermediaries and the overall market. The three-year strategic plan gives more weight to practical rules and regulations developed from effective communication and un...
147) |- Others (Securities Business) |- Separation of Securities and Finance Businesses & Merger (section 90) |- Representatives Office of foreign securities companies (section 93) |- Holidays
|- Related Circular Letter Others (Securities Business) |- Separation of Securities and Finance Businesses & Merger (section 90) |- Representatives Office of foreign securities companies (section 93
Practice |- Code of Conduct |- Fees |- Related Circular Letter Fund Rating Agency |- Approval |- Business Operations Rules |- Reporting |- Fees |- Circular Others (Securities Business) |- Separation of
(section 109) |- Revocation of License (section 147) |- Service Outsourcing Guide for Securities Companies Others (Securities Business) |- Separation of Securities and Finance Businesses & Merger (section
on issues of related party transactions and separation of businesses among the applicant and group of parent company which have effect on shareholder rights. Besides, {X1} Company had jointly prepared
Oster’s (2019) testing for coefficient stability. Our results survive all the robustness checks and thus appear to be strongly robust. Therefore, our results likely reflect a causal effect, rather than a
to explore different business models and new ways of working that strengthen both business performance and drive forward better outcomes for people and planet. By helping to create robust internal
services to protect investors’ asset and stringent supervision on asset separation to keep private funds safe without asking for the approval of being custodian again. Such move will improve flexibility
services to protect investors’ asset and stringent supervision on asset separation to keep private funds safe without asking for the approval of being custodian again. Such move will improve flexibility