the rise of average steel-coil price, which the average steel-coil price is in the upward trend since 2016. Gross Profit The company gross profit over the Q2/2017 was equal to THB 37.1 mn which
ชื่อผู้ได้มา/จำหน่าย :?NUCLEAR DAMAGE LIABILITY FACILITATION FUND | ประเภทหลักทรัพย์ : หุ้น | วันที่มีหน้าที่ : 31/07/2555
direct hit from mandatory closure decree, causing a fall in revenue of THB 47.23 million, a 35% drop compared to the same period last year. - - Entertainment business has had a rise of THB 11.13 million
quality while enhancing efficiency and productivity. Enterprise services rise on economic certainty and continual digital transformation trend Non-mobile enterprise business reported revenue of Bt1,821mn
, supported by an expanded network footprint. AIS 3BB Fibre3 subscribers grew by 67k from the previous quarter, reaching 4.9 million in 2Q24. The ARPU increased to Bt501, reflecting a 0.9% QoQ rise due to high
% QoQ rise due to high-value products and more personalized services tailored to customer segment needs. Mobile Business 2Q23 1Q24 2Q24 %YoY %QoQ Subscribers Postpaid 12,673,200 12,733,200 12,797,600 1.0
or a 5% rise over previous quarter, as employer realizes the benefits that its employees will receive from diversifying investment policies. ?Provident funds with employee?s choice continually gain
driven by seasonal marketing expenses and acquisition-related expenses. Furthermore, a rise in administrative and other expenses was from increasing staff-related costs mainly from the consolidation of
Financial Reporting Standard No. 16 : Lease (TFRS 16), effective 1 January 2020, has impacted the Company and its subsidiaries’ financial statement in recognizing a right-of-use asset and a lease liability in
respectively, equivalent to 62.5% and 76.0% of total revenue in Q3/2016 and Q3/2017 respectively. An increasing in cost-of-sale was derived from the rise of average steel-coil price, which the average steel-coil