Outstanding Domestic Debt สำนักงานคณะกรรมการกำกับหลักทรัพย์และตลาดหลักทรัพย์ Printed on 14 January 2025 21:25 New Product Prospectus / Filing Sales Report Shelf Approval Outstanding Domestic Debt PP
SEC Secretary-General Pornanong Budsaratragoon said: “The SEC has issued 11 notifications containing regulations for establishing and managing Thailand ESG Funds. They have been published in the Government Gazette since 1 December 2023, officially allowing asset management companies to launch the fund right away. Initially, the SEC has received 22 applications for Thailand ESG Funds establishment from 16 asset management companies. The Association of Investment Management Companies (AIMC)...
%, correspondingly. Such reduction in gross profit margin was caused by change in product mix, rise in production costs and increase in packaging cost purchased from external party. Gross profits margin from domestic
margin was caused by change in product mix, rise in production costs and increase in packaging cost purchased from external party. - Translation - Page 4 of 6 Gross profits margin from domestic sales was
party products for distribution, which each offers different gross profit margins. Therefore, such significant rise in sales from these two categories lowered the average gross profit margin from domestic
, respectively. The rise was mainly driven by growth from overseas business and also domestic sales of a new product, carbonated canned green apple flavored Carabao in 180ml (“Carabao Green Apple”), launched
June 30, 2019 Baht Million 2018 2019 +/(-) +/(-) % 1. Content Business Revenue from sales of program rights 621.58 852.86 231.28 37.21% - Domestic sales 549.40 574.27 24.87 4.53% - Export sales 72.18
, the Company and its subsidiary recorded total sales of Baht 1,361 million, a decrease of 10% YoY, following a drop in export CMG and export branded. However, domestic CMG grew outstandingly from new
30.53% - Domestic sales 791.93 862.88 70.95 8.96% - Export sales 177.18 402.09 224.91 126.94% Cost of program rights 599.87 721.36 121.49 20.25% Gross profit of content business 369.24 543.61 174.37 47.22
December 31, 2019 Baht Million 2018 2019 +/(-) +/(-) % 1. Content Business Revenue from contracts with customers - program rights 1,317.74 1,641.82 324.08 24.59% - Domestic sales 933.24 1,123.83 190.59 20.42