temporarily closedown shopping malls and shopping centers. In addition, the cloud kitchens helped facilitate food delivery drivers (Riders) and maintained normal delivery fees for customers who are in the
ำส่ังซ้ือผ่ำนช่องทำงออนไลน์ และเป็นกำรตอบรับกับ มำตรกำรของภำครัฐในกำรปิดพื้นท่ีห้ำงสรรพสินค้ำและศูนย์กำรค้ำเป็นกำรชั่วครำว นอกจำกน้ี ยังช่วยอ ำนวย ควำมสะดวกแก่พนักงำนขนส่งอำหำร (Riders) และเป็นกำรรักษำอัตรำค่ำ
support each other. i) Customer and Distribution Channel – NDR and FKRMM’s major customers are called as replacement market (replacement market means motorcycle riders who change tire and tube in order to
(replacement market means motorcycle riders who change tire and tube in order to replace the old one due to tire/tube damage or tire wear). NDR’s product will be distributed in Thailand under ND Rubber brand
such activities, others would also gain without having contributed (i.e. they are “free riders”). This effect, which serves to lower incentives for monitoring, is probably less of a problem for
support each other. i) Customer and Distribution Channel – NDR and FKRMM’s major customers are called as replacement market (replacement market means motorcycle riders who change tire and tube in order to