increased ,while the Social security revenue of subsidiaries decreased. Payment system of Social security office is uncertain therefore in Q1/2019 subsidiaries did not receive revenue of chromic disease. 2
Plants (CUP 1-3) and IRPC Clean Power (IRPC-CP) declined. Additionally, there was a decrease in revenue from Availability Payment (AP) of Sriracha Power Plant due to a lower Weight factor during the rainy
2 Change Increase (Decrease) 2017 2016 Amount % Electricity revenue - Availability Payment (AP) - Energy Payment (EP) 1,094 2,466 167 373 927 2,093 555% 561% Other income 5 14 (9) (64%) Total revenues
) 2017 2016 Amount % Electricity revenue - Availability Payment (AP) - Energy Payment (EP) 972 1,307 893 1,223 79 84 9% 7% Other income 8 21 (13) (62%) Total revenues 2,287 2,137 150 7% Cost of sale (1,608
, comparing to the same period of the previous year. Page 8 BLCP: Unit : Million Baht Quarter 2 Change Increase (Decrease) 2020 2019 Amount % Electricity revenue - Availability Payment (AP) - Energy Payment (EP
(Decrease) 2020 2019 Amount % Electricity revenue - Availability Payment (AP) - Energy Payment (EP) 471 1,394 676 1,421 (205) (27) (30%) (2%) Other income 77 92 (15) (16%) Total revenues 1,942 2,189 (247) (11
indirect shares in SEGSD at 11.89% since March 31, 2017. Page 10 GPG: Unit : Million Baht Quarter 1 Change Increase (Decrease) 2018 2017 Amount % Electricity revenue - Availability Payment (AP) - Energy
2017 Amount % Electricity revenue - Availability Payment (AP) - Energy Payment (EP) 875 2,076 1,094 2,466 (219) (390) (20%) (16%) Other income 8 9 (1) (11%) Total revenues 2,959 3,569 (610) (17%) Cost of
% Electricity revenue - Availability Payment (AP) - Energy Payment (EP) 575 249 516 237 59 12 11% 5% Other income 5 3 2 67% Total revenues 829 756 73 10% Cost of sale (406) (454) (48) (11%) Other expenses (104
Amount % Electricity revenue - Availability Payment (AP) - Energy Payment (EP) 964 2,738 1,112 2,520 (148) 218 (13%) 9% Other income 6 8 (2) (25%) Total revenues 3,708 3,640 68 2% Cost of sale (3,183