juristic offenders in eight cases and the total remittance of more than 50 million baht as public revenue. Mr. Somchai Pongpattanasin, SEC Assistant Secretary?General in charge of the Enforcement Division
energy); • environmentally sustainable management of living natural resources and land use (including environmentally sustainable agriculture; environmentally sustainable animal husbandry; climate smart
seek to support issuers in financing environmentally sound and sustainable projects that foster a net-zero emissions economy and protect the environment. GBP- aligned issuance should provide transparent
Highlights in Q2/2019 1 Q2/18 Q1/19 Q2/19 Change +/(-) 1H/18 1H/19 Change+/(-) (Unit: Million Baht) QoQ YoY Operating revenue 6,587 9,067 19,990 120% 203% 12,329 29,057 136% Gross Profit 1,836 2,493 6,011 141
1 Note: 1) Revenue and Cost that were recognized when there is construction under concession agreements for tap water according to accounting standard TFRIC12 1. ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE For
sustainability of economic and social development.Previously, the SEC issued the regulations on information disclosure of environmentally conscious debt offerings, effective since 31 December 2018, and the
Operating revenue 4,849 6,661 5,837 (12%) 20% 19,917 24,777 24% Gross profit 1,315 1,606 1,264 (21%) (4%) 4,868 6,351 30% EBITDA 1,137 1,371 974 (29%) (14%) 4,187 5,457 30% EBIT 754 898 505 (44%) (33%) 2,836
Operating revenue 4,849 6,661 5,837 (12%) 20% 19,917 24,777 24% Gross profit 1,315 1,606 1,264 (21%) (4%) 4,868 6,351 30% EBITDA 1,137 1,371 974 (29%) (14%) 4,187 5,457 30% EBIT 754 898 505 (44%) (33%) 2,836
31 ธ.ค. 59 หรอื บจ. บางแหง่ไมไ่ดน้ าสง่งบการเงนิตามก าหนดเวลา 93% บจ. สว่นใหญ ่ม ีKAM 1 - 2 เร ือ่ง * 2 KAM สว่นใหญเ่ป็นเรือ่ง revenue & impairment * Comprise of Debt Covenant, Related Parties
i l i t y Environmentally friendly and reducing the environmental impacts of our own operations Financial support to environmentally- friendly businesses Financial inclusion and financial literacy