license. In case where the residual period of the first calendar year of license to undertake the business is less than six months, the licensee shall pay half of the fee for business undertaking as
approval shall be Baht 15,000 per application providing that the first installment of Baht 5,000 shall be made to the SEC Office on the date of filing of application and the residual payment of Baht 10,000
from late 2018; particularly, the Gasoline-Dubai crack spread (UNL/DB), Jet (Kerosene)-Dubai crack spread (IK/DB), and the Gasoil-Dubai crack spread (GO/DB), causing the refinery business’s market gross
, mainly due to the higher export and transportation expenses in accordance with higher sales volume. Moreover, this increase was from higher vehicle depreciation expense as the residual value was reassessed
and transportation expenses in accordance with higher sales volume. Moreover, this increase was from higher vehicle depreciation expense as the residual value was reassessed at the beginning of 2017
higher export and transportation expenses in accordance with higher sales volume. Moreover, this increase was from higher vehicle depreciation expense as the residual value was reassessed at the beginning
that unable to sell at market price and UWC’s subsidiaries have recognition the cost of closing project with residual income from delivery. (3) Expenses Quarter 1-2019 company and its subsidiaries has
quarter of 2017 from the concrete product business , food products and gasoline business. 3.3 During the second quarter of 2018, the Company received the payment from trade receivables at the amount of Baht
reduced Market GRM, following the decline in refinery production volume due to the TAM, as well as a decrease in average Gasoline/Dubai crack spread and Fuel oil/Dubai crack spread, and the rise in crude
declining, mostly from the gasoline product which is a result of travel limitation policy during the COVID-19 outbreak. The Marketing Business recorded improvements in performance of 797% QoQ and 15% YoY, due