MFC ASSET MANAGEMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED| | Offering Date : 21/04/2008 - 08/05/2008
The rules on margin lending (margin account) which have been in effect since 1997 permit SC to lend money to its customer only for the purpose of purchasing listed securities on a condition that
LAND AND HOUSES FUND MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED| | Offering Date : 05/07/2012 - 13/07/2012
Granting the Purchasing Right to Provider of Over-Allotment Shares After Allotment of Shares in Excess of Underwriting Amount
Granting the Purchasing Right to Provider of Over-Allotment Shares After Allotment of Shares in Excess of Underwriting Amount
Re: Operations Relating to Lending of Money for Purchasing Securities and Lending of Securities to Non-Institutional Clients for Making Short Sale By virtue of Clause 5 of the Notification of the
from starting transferred 16 units of Veranda Residence Hua Hin project in Q1/2020 which accounted for 7.8 % of the project value. • Revenue from hotel operations decreased by 135 million baht or
property development operations as second quarter of 2018 was transferred 44 units of residence units while in the second quarter of 2 0 1 9 was transferred 17 units with revenue from property development