ASSET PLUS FUND MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED| ,Sector Fund | Offering Date : 14/03/2019 - 27/03/2019
DAOL INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED| ,Sector Fund | Offering Date : 20/05/2020 - 27/05/2020
reorganize their management and financial structure should not miss the opportunity to learn, understand, and access the capital market. This would help to enhance their competitive edge for the upcoming AEC
looking to invest in the Middle Eastern country, and a seminar entitled, “Reorganize Balance Sheet - Manage Inventory Like a Pro”, to enhance traders’ knowledge of business planning and administration
alignment with the Company’s direction of focusing on health-driven products. Second R – Reorganize: The Company is preparing for future growth with an organization-wide restructuring. Executives will be
ออกแบบบรรจภุัณฑ ์รวมถงึการพัฒนาผลติภัณฑใ์หม่ ใหส้อดคลอ้งกับทศิทางของบรษัิททีมุ่่งเนน้ไปยังผลติภัณฑเ์พือ่ สขุภาพ กลยุทธท์ี ่2 Reorganize: การสรา้งความพรอ้มใหก้ับบคุลากรภายในองคก์ร โดยปรับโครงสรา้งองคก์ร
innovative knowledge, creative thinking, and innovative change. A total of 48 staff members from 16 departments (13 teams) participated in the event this year with qualified experts as the judges giving the
innovative knowledge, creative thinking, and innovative change. A total of 48 staff members from 16 departments (13 teams) participated in the event this year with qualified experts as the judges giving the
diversification through sophisticated strategies and innovative financial instruments. All facts, opinions and suggestions garnered from the survey will be taken into account in determining appropriate
วิชาการด้านการศึกษาทางการบัญชี (Accounting Education Conference: AccEC 2020) “Innovative Learning and Teaching” โดยสภาวิชาชีพบัญชี ในพระบรมราชูปถัมภ์ จัดขึ้นเป็นครั้งแรก เพื่อพัฒนาอาจารย์ผู้สอนทางการบัญชี