gas emissions and removals) ที่เกิดขึ้นจากกิจกรรมการด าเนินงานของ องค์กร วัดรวมอยู่ ในรูปของตัน (กิ โลกรัม ) ของก๊าซ คาร์บอนไดออกไซด์เทียบเท่า Page 12 Page 13 CFO คือ มาตรฐานการประเมินปริมาณการปล่อยและ
sources, data, & methodologies for the intended users Include all relevant GHG emissions/removals Enables meaningful comparisons in GHG-related information Reduce bias and uncertainties as far as is
, set targets for carbon removals and storage. This can be done through, for example, high-quality carbon credits, which comply with or are more ambitious than the criteria for carbon removals and storage
:// Carbon intensity: Volume of carbon emissions per million dollars of revenue (carbon efficiency of a portfolio), expressed in tons CO2e/Million revenue (in unit currency). Carbon removals: CO2
or removals of directors of the business; (c) Any person who, by circumstances, can control such persons responsible for policy making, management or operation of the business to follow his/her orders
, set targets for carbon removals and storage. This can be done through, for example, high-quality carbon credits, which comply with or are more ambitious than the criteria for carbon removals and storage
/MutualRecognitionFunds.aspx. Additions or removals of restricted assets set out therein are subject to prior consultation of the SFC. For avoidance of doubt, Thai Covered fund may not have direct exposure to the aforementioned
/Pages/LawandRegulations/MutualRecognitionFunds.aspx. Additions or removals of restricted assets set out therein are subject to prior consultation of the SFC. 20 Digital assets are such as cryptocurrencies
Management Discussion and Analysis of Business Operation for the 2nd quarter of 2017 Bangchak Corporation Plc. 1 | Bangchak Corporation Public Company Limited Management Discussion and Analysis of Business Operation For the year ended 31st December, 2017,d.c2I&psig=AFQjCNHfu2LjFbO_WhPIgFLat0wGu3Y2zg...
, values, and procedures must be conservative to ensure that the GHG emission reductions or removals are not overestimated. Further information on how to conduct a Mitigation Assessment is given in the