Guideline for Internet Regulation แแนนววททาางงกกาารรกํ ากํ ากักับบดูดูแแลลกกาารรทํ าทํ าธุธุรรกกรรรรมมดดาานนหหลัลักกททรัรัพพยยผผาานนสื่สื่ออ oonn--lliinnee บทนํ า การใช Internet เปนสื่อในการ
Under the proposed regulations, in order to be qualified for exemption, the futures exchange, derivatives clearing house, securities clearing house and securities depository shall submit its rule to
Bangkok, November 22, 2007 ? The SEC in cooperation with the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) is conducting a public survey on the upcoming regulation governing the issuance, the offering for sale
SEC Secretary-General Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol said that while everyone is practicing social distancing to control and mitigate the impacts of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), small-and medium-sized businesses still need to look for opportunities to access funding channels to keep their businesses running and supports to get them through the crisis. Since today’s ever advancing digital technology can be a great help to business fundraising, SEC will host a series of online seminar to sha...
SEC Secretary-General Rapee Sucharitakul said, “previously the comprehensive provision of counselling and advisory service on investment would be limited to private wealth only while the general public would face investment difficulties as they received a lot of information but could not analyze and compare a variety of investment products available or were advised to purchase individual products, especially those products for which the investment consultants receive high sales commissions or w...
for self-regulation The ASCO was asked to submit its action plan for becoming a self-regulatory organization (SRO) for the SEC?s approval. The plan must emphasize the core objectives of self regulation
Bangkok, March 27, 2012 ? The SEC is seeking public comments on draft revision to regulation governing public offering of holding company. The proposed revision includes relaxation on shareholding
Bangkok, September 8, 2008 ? The SEC has extended until October 15, 2008 its hearing on the draft regulations to be introduced to enable establishment and management of infrastructure funds in the Thai capital market. SEC Senior Assistant Secretary-General Pravej Ongartsittigul said: ?The public has shown a strong interest in the concept of infrastructure fund. Extending the hearing period will allow all interested parties more time to review and provide their comments extensively on this n...