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, infrastructure funds, infrastructure trusts and real estate investment trusts (REIT).The proposed rules would require regular disclosure of the annual registration statement, annual report, financial statements as
…......................................................กรรมการ (นายกรวิชญ์ สวาทยานนท์) &"Angsana New,Regular"&14หมายเหตุประกอบงบการเงินเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของงบการเงินนี้ &"Angsana New,Regular"&14&P PL-T12M บริษัท เอสพีวี 77 จำกัด และบริษัทย่อย งบกำไรขาดทุนเบ็ดเสร็จ
comparing to 2018 or 11.9% mostly due to soften Ethylene and Glycerin price from ample supply and lower crude oil price. Summary of Performance For Q1 2019, the Company and its subsidiaries recorded net
despite of the drastically decline in Ethylene and Glycerin price from ample supply plus lower crude oil price. 2. In Q2 2019, Selling and Administrative Expenses was 338 MTHB, increased by 59 MTHB or 21.1
or 17.2% due the drastic decline in Ethylene and Glycerin price from ample supply plus lower crude oil price. 2. In Q3 2019, Selling and Administrative Expenses was 361 MTHB, increased by 42 MTHB or
in Ethylene and Glycerin price from ample supply plus lower crude oil price. 2. In Q1 2020, Selling and Administrative Expenses was 350 MTHB, increased by 30 MTHB or 9% comparing to Q1 2019 which
Company Limited "VNG" and subsidiaries hereby agreed to disclose the related transactions relating to regular business practice and supporting to regular business practice of related companies as following