Teratanavat, (3) Mr. Vijchu Chantatab, and (4) Mrs. Shanya Pengpunpat had collusively manipulated share price and/or trading volume of the Market for Alternative Investment (mai)-listed TIGER between 24-29
agreed or conspired on creating the false appearance of the price and volume of ACD shares by continuously transacted in the shares pushing it to the higher price. This actions misled the general public
Section 147 Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 Section 147. During any two year period, if any securities company does not undertake securities business of the type so licensed in the volume as
Section 147 Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 Section 147. During any two year period, if any securities company does not undertake securities business of the type so licensed in the volume as
upon the recommendation of the SEC has the power to specify conditions with which the license holder shall be required to comply in the undertaking of the securities business. In cases where there has
upon the recommendation of the SEC has the power to specify conditions with which the license holder shall be required to comply in the undertaking of the securities business. In cases where there has
, conditions and procedures as specified in the notification of the SEC upon the recommendation of the Bank of Thailand.
, conditions and procedures as specified in the notification of the SEC upon the recommendation of the Bank of Thailand.
recommendation for investigation and the second covers the article published in the BizWeek (a weekly newspaper) dated August 27-September 2, 2004. Moreover, the SET had already finished investigating into this
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