can recognize revenue by using the percentage of completion method only if companies meet all revenue recognition conditions as stated in the Thai Accounting Standard No. 26. The guidelines also suggest
to replace the less energy efficient ones in order to conserve energy, but this year the Retail Chain had delayed the investments. Profit for the period The Company's profit of the quarter was 3.3
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consolidated financial statements. The revision was to recognize the gain on disposal of investment in the subsidiary to equity attributable to shareholders of the parent in the consolidated financial statements
(Public Organization) (DGA) on 6 December 2023. The Digital Government Awards recognize the digital transformation excellence of governmental organizations. This year, the SEC received the Runner-up Award
number of LED lighting luminaires to an Australian Retail Chain to replace the less energy efficient ones in order to conserve energy, but this year the Retail Chain had delayed the investments. Profit for
expanding distribution channel. 1.3) Revenue from selling of real estate increase 80. 83 million baht or 100% due to its subsidiaries start to recognize revenue from selling of real estate. 1.4) Revenue from
. which is held 51% by the Company starts to recognize revenue. 1.3) Revenue from Real Estate Development increase THB 80.79 million due to starting of revenue recognition of the subsidiary. 1.4) Revenue
marketing activities. 1.3) Revenue from selling of real estate increase 62 . 6 7 million baht or 100% due to its subsidiaries start to recognize revenue from selling of real estate. 1.4) Revenue from
ownership of DTC from 22.58% to 17.58% and recorded a one- time gain from the transaction for THB 44.8 mn under Other Income. In 1Q18, CPN did not recognize the cost of rent and services following the land