independent financial advisor views that despite the reasonable objectives of the proposed acquisitions, NBC’s shareholders should not grant an approval because (1) the sale price of “Komchadluek” assets and
purchase price are reasonable and beneficial for the company and its shareholders and in compliance with reasonable conditions. In this regard, IFA is of the opinion that the acquisition is reasonable
Enclosure 3.3 Rational and background of the transaction Rich Asia Corporation Public Company Limited (“the Company”) has the debtor which is Rich Asia Industry Company Limited, subsidiary of the company. As
. - In case of allocation to patrons, issuers must submit list of top 200 persons who received the allocation to the SEC along with rational on an individual basis. Moreover, issuers must prepare and keep
. - In case of allocation to patrons, issuers must submit list of top 200 persons who received the allocation to the SEC along with rational on an individual basis. Moreover, issuers must prepare and keep
rational investment decisions but their decisions are usually influenced by several factors and restrictions; emotion, beliefs and biases, for example. Those factors and restrictions cause investors to
) benefits the Company as Planet’s shareholder and the Company; (2) is under the rational condition; and that (3) the investment value of Baht 1,456.31 million is reasonable, as it can support the Company’s
generate a reasonable return and support a stable growth and income of the Company in the future. The project is expected to complete at the end of the year 2019. In addition, the Company’s profit can be
rational and consistent with similar transactions Costs that do not meet the definition of “incremental costs directly attributable” are expensed as incurred (e.g., listing fee, roadshow costs, tax
สมควร (proof beyond reasonable doubt) ซึ งอาจไม่เหมาะกบัการกระทาํผิดในคดีหลกัทรัพยที์ไม่มีการทิ)งร่องรอยการกระทาํความผิดเหมือน คดีอาญาทัวไป หรือพยานหลกัฐานส่วนใหญ่อยูใ่นรูปของเอกสารหรือขอ้มูลทางอิเลก็ทรอ