transactions.Vorapol Socatiyanurak, SEC Secretary-General said that ?The SEC has initiated a wide range of activities to enhance AGM quality. This year, we have encouraged the right protection volunteers to perform
supervision of subordinated perpetual bonds to strengthen investor protection and simultaneously develop the debt securities market. In this regard, such type of bond to be offered for sale to the general
Presently, several companies are interested to raise fund through digital token offer to finance their investment in office buildings or condominiums which will later be rented for income shared to holders of digital tokens or real estate-backed initial coin offering (ICO). Meanwhile, the regulations have not yet extended to such fund raising method and a smart contract has not yet covered an enforcement of investors’ rights in some issues which are activities occurring outside blockchain...
association and the directors of TIA’s Shareholder Rights Protection Volunteer Club, and discussed the ways to enhance shareholder and investor rights protection in response to the changes in capital market
branch managers, and (4) enhance efficiency of investor protection by requiring business operators to ensure office branches appropriately accessible to investors, and inform clients sufficiently in
analyzed and put into good use by SEC to ensure that customer received the appropriate level of protection. The amendment of this regulation is part of SEC’s Regulatory Guillotine* project. The objective
intention and objectives will be clearly spelled out, so as to streamline procedures and provide greater practical flexibility for market operators. In addition, in relation to investor protection regime, the
the objectives will be clearly spelled out, so as to streamline procedures and provide greater practical flexibility for market operators. In addition, in relation to investor protection regime, the SEC
During January – March this year, the SEC conducted a public hearing on proposed amendments to the PVD Act to support the development of fund structure, enhance the member protection mechanism