Pursuant to the amended regulatory sandbox regulations, which will take effect on 16 August 2020, more types of businesses are eligible to participate in a regulatory sandbox, covering all
According to the findings of SEC inspection on the operation of SKFM whose main business is private fund management, in 2018 Mr. King, CEO and fund manager of the company at the time, acted in the following manners: (1) funneling damage incurred from investment among the clients of private funds by making cross-trade transactions of shares under trading suspension (SP) sign on a continual basis from 2015 to 2017; (2) managing private funds without taking the cli...
found at http://investor.ais.co.th/newsroom_set.html 2. In December 2017, the NBTC has announced new progressive rates of the license fee. Operators are required to calculate the new rates retroactive
cause damage, or not having any behavior which indicates an ongoing financial problem, including having no reasonable ground to believe that there is a shortcoming or unsuitability encompassing business
financial condition may cause damage, or not having any behavior which indicates an ongoing financial problem, including having no reasonable ground to believe that there is a shortcoming or unsuitability
financial condition may cause damage, or not having any behavior which indicates an ongoing financial problem, including having no reasonable ground to believe that there is a shortcoming or unsuitability
shareholders meetings to give listed companies tangible ideas of how to improve their AGM arrangement. SEC Secretary-General Thirachai Phuvanatnaranubala said: ?The assessment results have shown progressive
(progressive completion until 3Q18) and CentralFestival Phuket (currently planned for renovation), and 3 projects under the management of CPNRF, namely CentralPlaza Rama 3 (expected completion by December 2017
30.40 percent in year 2015. The gross profit ratio in year 2015 lower than year 2016 due to usage of construction cost of sales based on progressive work. 4. Gains from sales of immovable property 4.1