Q1/2018 in the amount of Baht 214.6 million (Q1/2017: Baht 164.8 million) which increased in the amount of Baht 49.8 million or 30.2% and reported profit before finance costs, share of profit of
Baht 1,089.5 million (2017: Baht 917.1 million) which increased by Baht 172.4 million or 18.8%. The profit before finance costs, share of profit of investment in associate and income tax were Baht
million or 22.4% and reported profit before finance costs and income tax in the amount of Baht 344.3 million (Q2/2016 : Baht 305.5 million) which increased in the amount of Baht 38.8 million or 12.7%. The
72.8 million or 24.9% and reported profit before finance costs and income tax in the amount of Baht 494.5 million (Q3/2016 : Baht 386.6 million) which increased in the amount of Baht 107.9 million or
increased in the amount Baht 185.8 million or 19.9% and reported profit before finance costs and income tax of Baht 1,525.6 million (2016 : Baht 1,303.4 million), increased in the amount of Baht 222.2 million
of the Company for Q2/2019 in the amount of Baht 243.9 million (Q2/2018: Baht 250.0 million) which decreased by Baht 6.1 million or decreased by 2.4 percent. The profit before finance costs and income
to owners of the Company for Q3/2019 in the amount of Baht 402.1 million (Q3/2018: Baht 356.5 million) which increased by Baht 45.6 million or increased by 12.8 percent. The profit before finance costs
the amount of Baht 248.1 million (Q1/2018: Baht 214.6million) which increased by Baht 33.5 million or 15.6%. The profit before finance costs and income tax were Baht 374.5 million (Q1/2018: Baht 340.4
Q2/2018 in the amount of Baht 250.0 million (Q2/2017: Baht 172.0 million) which increased by Baht 78 million or 45.3%. Profit before finance costs and income tax were Baht 380.1 million (Q2/2017: Baht
for Q3/2018 in the amount of Baht 356.5 million (Q3/2017: Baht 302.6 million) which increased by Baht 54.0 million or 17.8%. The profit before finance costs and income tax were Baht 521.8 million (Q3