On 8 November 2023, JKN filed a petition for business rehabilitation with the Central Bankruptcy Court. The Court issued an order accepting the rehabilitation petition on the following day, resulting in the occurrence of an Automatic Stay, and subsequently affecting the payment of interest and the repayment of all outstanding JKN bonds. The Court set the date for the examination of the JKN rehabilitation petition on 29 January 2024. If the Court issues an order for the rehabilitation of JKN and...
compliance profession. The joint meeting took place on 1 December 2023.
the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992), the Derivatives Act B.E. 2546 (2003) and the Trust for Transactions in Capital Market B.E. 2550 (2007). “Institute of Appraisal Profession” means an
monitor- ing of audit and accounting standards should be overseen by bodies independent of the profession. A strong disclosure system that promotes real transparency is a pivotal part of market-based
profession. The audit profession includes, for example: audit firms, professional bodies and bodies or entities associated with the audit profession. Indicators of independence from the profession include: - A
with the capital market. Aiming to enhance supervision of property valuation profession to be in line with international standards and more suitable for current market environments, the proposed
asset inventory demonstrating details and amount of client’s assets and records of acquisition and disposition of assets of each client; □ (3.5) System to monitor and tracking benefits arisen from
details and amount of client’s assets and records of acquisition and disposition of assets of each client; □ (3.5) System to monitor and tracking benefits arisen from client’s assets; □ (3.6) System to
information related to the face-to-face contact shall be made available to the securities company upon request without delay. Clause 14. To facilitate the KYC/CDD process, securities company shall monitor
information related to the face-to-face contact shall be made available to the securities company upon request without delay. Clause 14. To facilitate the KYC/CDD process, securities company shall monitor