therefore the above news may, if any, have only a slight impact on Thailand?s market image. Moreover, CalPERS criteria includes other factors such as productive labor practices, human rights, etc., which are
Bangkok, June 18, 2014 ? The SEC revealed that the Settlement Committee imposed a total fine of 6,159,269 baht on Yongyuth Ngamkaiwan for using inside information to suggest Vorakun Ngamkaiwan sell
can recognize revenue by using the percentage of completion method only if companies meet all revenue recognition conditions as stated in the Thai Accounting Standard No. 26. The guidelines also suggest
investment slowed down as confidence in the election and the direction of investment from the government through large projects. In the third quarter of 2018, the Company is more productive for our customers
who feel excluded underperform, while people who are happy at work are 13% more productive • Organizations in the top quartile for LGBTI diversity have a profitability 25% higher than average • Diverse
the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Transport Minister Charupong said: ?It was a productive meeting with many key issues clarified. The SEC regulations will surely enhance the Thai capital market?s roles in
study of AGM agenda and intelligent and aggressive inquiries to company management. We are cultivating a productive environment where well-educated and well-informed shareholders will become more involved
increased AGM attendance, in-depth study of AGM agenda and intelligent and aggressive inquiries to company management. We are cultivating a productive environment where well-educated and well-informed
Baht 162.43 million or 11.77 percent. The major reasons of the increase in revenues from sales were due to the effective sales and marketing strategies from the productive usage of database. The
, failing to notice, question or suggest appropriate recording and disclosing of such items in the company?s financial statements for the year 2006. Her audit performance, therefore, did not comply with the