Guideline for Internet Regulation แแนนววททาางงกกาารรกํ ากํ ากักับบดูดูแแลลกกาารรทํ าทํ าธุธุรรกกรรรรมมดดาานนหหลัลักกททรัรัพพยยผผาานนสื่สื่ออ oonn--lliinnee บทนํ า การใช Internet เปนสื่อในการ
Bangkok, December 14, 2007 ? The SEC has clarified the methods for calculating the net asset value (NAV) of the share of PTT Public Company Limited (PTT) and the redemption procedure for mutual funds
instruments in domestic securities markets. The draft regulation prescribes a short procedure for issuing and offering TCR to facilitate rapid and timely TCR issuance in response to investors? trading orders
Bangkok, 8 November 2017 ? The SEC is seeking public comments on the draft amendment to the Ministerial Regulation for Securities Business Licenses to provide flexibility and support new businesses
offence under Section 241, which is the SEC?s standard procedure. The investigation has been underway but not yet completed.2. Front running ? Despite not being subject to the criteria of an offence under
The SEC has improved the procedure for handling complaints from investors and the general public to ensure better service quality. The new procedure includes three phases of clearer status updates to
the principle and the draft regulation which would require the auditor to report to the Audit Committee of securities company** or the Audit Committee of listed company any suspicious circumstance