Bangkok, April 9, 2015 ?The SEC put into effect the primary listing regulations to allow foreign companies to launch public offerings of shares in Thailand.Vorapol Socatiyanurak, SEC Secretary
PRINCIPAL ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Specific Fund | Offering Date : 21/04/2008 - 28/04/2008
Bangkok, February 21, 2014 ? The SEC and the PwC Thailand co-hosted the seminar ?Challenges facing audit committees on listed companies? sustainable development? to provide a venue for discussion and exchange of views and experiences between audit committee members and experts. Vorapol Socatiyanurak, SEC Secretary-General said that the seminar aimed at help preparing audit committees to perform their roles in line with sustainable development roadmap. The seminar allowed sharing of experiences a...
Role of migrant workers in the new landscape of sustainability Picture Source:
Bangkok, July 21, 2014 ? The SEC will allow foreign companies? initial public offerings (IPOs) in Thailand (primary listing) and dual offering of equities in Thailand and other countries
PRINCIPAL ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED| | Offering Date : 08/12/2023 - 20/12/2023
PRINCIPAL ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Retirement Mutual Fund : RMF | Offering Date : 30/10/2006 - 10/11/2007
นางสาวรื่นวดี สุวรรณมงคล เลขาธิการ สำนักงานคณะกรรมการกำกับหลักทรัพย์และตลาดหลักทรัพย์ (ก.ล.ต.) ร่วมบรรยายในหัวข้อ "UNGP & the Role of Institutional Investor" (หลักการชี้แนะว่าด้วยธุรกิจกับสิทธิมนุษย
Bangkok, 1 December 2017 ? The SEC is giving more focus to the regulation-for-growth approach to meet the demands of the public and all sectors of market participants more appropriately.Mrs. Waratchya Srimachand, SEC Senior Assistant Secretary-General, said: ?The capital market is undergoing significant changes, for example, technological disruption, wider linkage of global financial markets, increasing competition, change of behavioural patterns, and changing demands of fundraisers, business op...
, “Leadership Role and Sustainable Business,” and the launch of Gender Corner. The event aimed to raise awareness of women in leadership role and gender equality, and to recognise listed companies’ support for