, such as, the forms of services, the presumption of algorithm, any relevant risks, including the factors or events that would hinder the use of technology, and such information must be sufficient enough
securities, and enhance investors’ confidence. According to the proposed regulations, the terms, “executive” and “business in the group” would be defined in accordance with the legal presumption under the
จุบันสําหรับปที่ยื่นแบบ 56 ดังกลาว - 7 - 5. การปรับปรุงแกไขเกณฑการยื่น filing ใหสอดคลองกบั ASEAN Debt Securities Disclosure Standards 5.1 สรุปรายการทีส่ําคัญในการเปดเผยขอมูลตาม ASEAN Debt
beginning of the issuer's last three financial years to the date of the prospectus. 7. Information concerning the material capital expenditures and divestitures currently in progress, including the
branches. In addition, there was growth in sales through modern trade channels, particularly convenience stores such as 7-Eleven, which began product distribution in July 2024. R E V EN UE : • The Company’s
restaurants. "After You” collaborating with “Nestlé Extreme” to Launch “Shibuya Honey Toast Ice Cream” at 7-Eleven stores nationwide In June 2024, the Company collaborated with Nestlé (Thai) Limited to launch
(Seven hundred sixty-one million three hundred eleven thousand two hundred and eleven baht). The sale of Shares and the transfer of claims in relation to the Outstanding Loans as mentioned above the
of outlets of All Café (a fresh coffee corner within the 7-Eleven store) where the non – coffee products and series of new seasonal flavors were sold and, (C) Licenses fee of the Characters Business
(MD&A) ประจ ำไตรมำส 2 ปี 2567 บทสรปุผูบ้รหิำร เหตกุำรณส์ ำคญั ขยำยกำรขำยสินค้ำผ่ำนช่องทำงโมเดิร์นเทรด โดยวำงขำยสินค้ำผ่ำนร้ำนสะดวกซื้อ 7-Eleven ในชว่งเดอืนกรกฎำคม ปี 2567 บริษทัฯ ขยำยช่องทำงกำรจ ำหน่ำย
of the Information Technology of a Securities Company. 2. Segregation of Duties. 3. Physical Security. 4. Information and Network Security. 5. Change Management. 6. Backup and IT Contingency Plan. 7