to bringing prosperity and growth to Thai capital market and Kunming City in the future,? said Mr. Vorapol. Possible areas for collaboration were discussed including use of the Thai capital market as
SEC Secretary-General Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol said that SEC and the related agencies had discussed the COVID-19 situation and acknowledged limitations on the AGM holding of listed companies. The meeting concluded with primary suggestions as follows: (1) proxy voting: shareholders are advised to consider proxy voting through independent directors instead of in-person voting at the meeting. If the meeting’s notice has not been sent, listed companies are requested to inform s...
The SEC Board has approved the principles for amending the regulations concerning ICO portals to allow the outsourcing of all system operations related to ICO portals, including certain due diligence tasks. This aims to increase flexibility and business efficiency, as well as to promote the roles of securities business operators (traditional players), thereby strengthening and enhancing the ecosystem. This will help investors access investment tokens more widely and provide businesses with more...
financial institutions? role in financial education to avoid possible conflicts between their educational and commercial activities??Further strengthening the delivery of financial education in schools
Case of Possible Impact on the Holding of Juristic Person’s Meeting B.E. 2563 (2020), dated 4 March 2020,
% due to sales orders and cost of goods sold have been decreased and controlled inventories turnover to be less than 45 days. Also, the Crude Palm Oil (“CPO”) price was fluctuated in 2018 (in range of 7
% due to sales orders and cost of goods sold have been decreased and controlled inventories turnover to be less than 45 days. Also, the Crude Palm Oil (“CPO”) price was fluctuated in 2018 (in range of 7
of 2019 (in range of 2.25 Baht/Kilogram between 17.00 ท่ีตั้ง 55/2 หมู ่8 ถ. เศรษฐกิจ 1 ต.คลองมะเด่ือ อ.กระทุ่มแบน จ.สมุทรสาคร 74110 Tel. (66) 0-34877485 - 8 Fax. (66) 0-34877491 – 2 2 of 9 55/2 Moo 8
oil was continuously increased in the 2nd quarter of 2019 (15.00-20.00 Baht/Kilogram) in the range of +5.00 Baht/Kilogram, same as in the 2nd quarter of 2018 (18.50 – 23.50 Baht/Kilogram) with the range
Thailand (SET) to discuss possible solutions to the AGM holding of listed companies amid the spread of COVID-19, SEC has disseminated the circular and frequently asked questions to inform all listed