SEC together with FETCO share a common view to enhance FETCO position to “The Capital Market Federation of Thailand” which would have legal status as a “juristic person” like other federations in
According to the information from the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and SEC’s further investigation, it was found that from 25 July to 9 August 2017 (a total of 11 business days) Surin had been continuously trading PICO’s shares in his four securities trading accounts, that is, he submitted trading orders in a manner to drive up the share price by submitting a large number of trading orders. As a result, the price and trading volume of PICO’s shares were not in a normal market conditio...
: The SET shall comply with the regulatory objectives and the operating rules of securities exchange. In issuing, revising or modifying its rules and regulations, the SET must conduct a hearing session
are allowed to also inform the SEC of the names of foreign business operators instead of only the names of the foreign personnel as previously required; 2. Modifying the requirements for notifying the
accessing the password by other person, the user should change the password instantly. · Having an encryption the file that keeping the password for the purpose accessing or modifying. [M] · Inspecting
concerned person realise the essential of security of the information technology thoroughly had known the duties and responsibilities and guideline on controlling the various risk which have a content
repayment, refinancing, negotiating relief, or modifying debt restructuring agreements with financial institutions. The SEC requires that the bondholders’ representative analyzes the benefits and
date by additional three years. This would constitute a deferral of debt repayment, including postponing or modifying the debt payment schedule, and should not be considered an event of default under
at least on a quarterly basis;5. Modifying consideration procedures of underlying indices, management strategies, and disclosure requirements for inbound foreign ETFs to be in line with those
money or other benefit. "underwriter" means any person who underwrites the sale of securities to the public. "prospectus" means any document issued for the purpose of inviting any person to subscribe or