Period As Of Details JAKPAISAN ESTATE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2023 Reviewed Equity Method Statement Q2 30/06/2023 JAKPAISAN ESTATE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2023 Reviewed Company Q2 30/06/2023 JAKPAISAN ESTATE
performance drives earnings persistence. His findings are consistent with firms with more persistent earnings are fundamentally stronger. Yao (2014) also documents that certain fundamentals – namely the
globally, so as to address persistent deficiencies in listed public interest entity audits. To achieve this goal, the AARG will ramp up its engagement with the Big-Four audit firms? leadership to address
securities and derivatives held before transaction date Transaction No. of securities and derivatives held after transaction date Method of transaction Transaction executed by Purchaser/Transferee (Specify
securities and derivatives held before transaction date Transaction No. of securities and derivatives held after transaction date Method of transaction Transaction executed by Purchaser/Transferee (Specify
securities and derivatives held before transaction date Transaction No. of securities and derivatives held after transaction date Method of transaction Transaction executed by Purchaser/Transferee (Specify
securities and derivatives held before transaction date Transaction No. of securities and derivatives held after transaction date Method of transaction Transaction executed by Purchaser/Transferee (Specify
securities and derivatives held before transaction date Transaction No. of securities and derivatives held after transaction date Method of transaction Transaction executed by Purchaser/Transferee (Specify
securities and derivatives held before transaction date Transaction No. of securities and derivatives held after transaction date Method of transaction Transaction executed by Purchaser/Transferee (Specify
securities and derivatives held before transaction date Transaction No. of securities and derivatives held after transaction date Method of transaction Transaction executed by Purchaser/Transferee (Specify