sustainable bonds totaling US$2.6 billion from the region carrying the ASEAN Green or Sustainable Bond labels.The issuances, which originated from Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand to fund green
/2020 is originated from the natural death of animals. For the second quarter of the year 2020, the temporary close of operation has caused no operational profit but the fixed cost, gross loss was Baht
-047348 Due to the spread of COVID-19 that originated from Wuhan in China and found infected in many other countries, the Company is concerned about the health of its employees. Therefore
with loss allowance for Stage 2 and Stage 3 based on lifetime expected credit loss Classification of investment in receivables into Purchased or originated credit-impaired financial assets (POCI
effect on employment and household income; (3) a slow vaccination and vaccine effectiveness which could further delay border re-opening; and (4) 1 Excluding loans classified as Purchased or originated
or originated credit loss impairment (POCI). The Company must estimate the cash flow from the said non-performing debt to calculate the effective interest rate that reduces the credit risk (Effective
Phatra Asset Management name changed effective from September 28, 2020 2 Excluding loans classified as Purchased or originated credit-impaired (POCI) 3 The Bank current level of capital remains strong and
รดอ้ยค่าดา้นเครดิตเม่ือซ้ือหรือเม่ือเกิดรายการ (Purchased or originated credit impaired) 4 ผลกำรด ำเนินงำนรวมของธนำคำรและบริษัทย่อย 2 ไม่รวมสินทรัพยท์างการเงินท่ีมีการดอ้ยค่าดา้นเครดิตเม่ือซ้ือหรือ
อ้ยค่าดา้นเครดิตเม่ือซ้ือหรือเม่ือเกิดรายการ (Purchased or originated credit-impaired) และวดัมูลค่าดว้ยราคาทุนตดัจ าหน่าย ในเร่ืองสญัญาเช่าจะมีการรับรู้สินทรัพยสิ์ทธิการใชแ้ละหน้ีสินตามสญัญาเช่า ภำวะ
/ Total loans (excluding interbank) 4.0 Total loan loss reserve/ Total NPLs (coverage ratio) 1 114.1 113.2 110.1 111.2 111.2 115.9 1 Excluding loans classified as Purchased or originated credit impaired