) show that in the U.S., trade prices tend to cluster around integers, half-dollars and quarters. Literature review • Round numbers have also been linked to cognitive limitations and investors’ tendency to
Cognitive aspects influencing the navigation of complex saving vehicles 2 Experimental survey Overview of this talk Talk outline 6 1. Life-cycle patterns of retirement saving and adequacy implications 2
pool of potential investors. In addition, we are sure that this MOU’s implementation will lead to a good model for the cooperation in the region and we are optimistic that capital markets in the region
individual has made. 6. Behavioural biases related to investing • Aware that investors may not always make rational decisions due to biases. • Provide examples of common emotional or cognitive biases that may
awards and honours,” she said. As more businesses join the WEP community, officials, advocates, business leaders and stakeholders are optimistic regarding its positive impact to promote gender equality
reserved. 19 ตัวอย่างการประเมินความเสี่ยง การวิเคราะหส์ถานการณ์ความเสี่ยงทางกายภาพ • กรอบเวลา (Timeframe) • สถานการณ์สมมติท่ีอาจจะเกิดข้ึน (Scenarios) - สถานการณ์ในทางทีด่ ี(Optimistic; SSP2 RCP4.5
cognitive reflection skills แตข่อเปลี่ยน “น่าจะ” (might also) เป็น “ควรจะ” (should also) • อยากเสนอใหร้ฐัและผูเ้ก่ียวขอ้ง ท าวิดีโอคลิปสัน้ๆ เป็นซีรสี ์ให้ คนตระหนกัและกลัวการ “แก่และจน” และรณรงคใ์หท้กุคน ออม
Ladies and Gentlemen, As more and more people become vaccinated around the world, we can be cautiously optimistic that humanity will soon be immune to COVID-19. However, more needs to be done to promote
-3.4% YoY. Expected growth in FY23 focusing on profitability through quality revenue and efficient cost allocation 2023 will be a year of transformation towards a Cognitive Tech-Co that aims to
particularly the tourism sector, Q1 outlook is optimistic for Golden Lime as the new dolime product gains traction and with the positive impact from the sugar season. The delayed 3.2 trillion baht budget is