Miss Phichaveer Puatunyawong in the compliance unit to the SEC Office through a system prepared on the website of the SEC Office within 7 business days as from the occurrence of such circumstance
Miss Phichaveer Puatunyawong in the compliance unit to the SEC Office through a system prepared on the website of the SEC Office within 7 business days as from the occurrence of such circumstance
. Yayah Adnan Ahmad in the compliance unit to the SEC Office through a system prepared on the website of the SEC Office within 7 business days as from the occurrence of such circumstance. However, Krungthai
2013 to the SEC Office and the SET on March 3, 2014. CGD failed to rotate an auditor, in the occurrence that the auditor has performed her duties on auditing or reviewing and expressed opinion on
Compliance) to the SEC through a system prepared on the website of the SEC Office within 7 business day as from the occurrence of such circumstance. However, KWI reported the discontinuation of such a person
Office through a system prepared on the website of the SEC Office within 7 business day as from the occurrence of such circumstance. However, KWI reported the discontinuation of such a person on 26
With reference to the recent occurrence, a foreign private digital wallet service provider has solicited investors in Thailand via social media to trade digital assets by linking investor trading
information appropriately, securely and safely; (3) Contingency plan in case of occurrence of any event that may affect the management system of digital wallets and keys. This includes laying out and testing
statements / information For the year ended for.............quarter ended Name of auditor affiliated with audit firm ( Financial statements audit ( Financial statements / information review · 1 . Unmodified
Name of auditor affiliated with audit firm Financial statements audit Financial statements / information review 1. Unmodified opinion 2. Qualified opinion due to (can choose more than one): ฆ 2.1