purpose of use of proceeds 5. Expansion of production capacity for dietary supplement products, introduction of new product packages, and warehouse building (existing business as disclosed in the
dietary supplement products, introduction of new product packages, and warehouse building (existing business as disclosed in the Registration Statement for offer for sale of securities - - 120.90 12.25
Sustainability Investment 4/ Thailand Sustainability Investment n/a Ranking by Industry Business 4/ Business DOD operates as a manufacturer of dietary supplement products under and customers' brand and its brand
sector came from sales of pet skincare shampoo products, combined core vaccine (Biocan), immunoglobulin for dogs (Polyglob), immunology products for cat (Katimum), dogs & cats dietary supplement (Dr
biological controls, appropriate rates of pre- and post- emergent applications, and appropriate altering of active ingredients. Nutrient management A Nutrient Management Plan focused on optimal uptake and
in China. The company offers pediatric nutritional, baby care products, and other healthcare supplements. Manulife Asia Credit Committee (MACC) – Action → Recommend as core holding since 2016 • Core
microfinance • Food security and sustainable food systems (e.g. physical, social, and economic access to safe, nutritious, and sufficient food that meets dietary needs and requirements; resilient agricultural
economic access to safe, nutritious, and sufficient food that meets dietary needs and requirements; resilient agricultural practices; reduction of food loss and waste; and improved productivity of small
filtration / settling systems Forest and forest fire management for water quality / quantity management • Wetland using native plants for water filtration, nutrient management • Explicit integration of
สิง่แวดล้อม การจัดการธาตอุาหารพชื (Nutrient management) แผนการจัดการธาตุอาหารพชื (Nutrient Management Plan) ได้รบัการพฒันาและนาํไปดําเนนิการ โดยมุง่เนน้ไปท่ีการดูดซมึท่ีเหมาะสมและสญูเสียธาตอุาหารนอ้ยท่ี