ทราบผ่านระบบ 6. Length num (19,5) หรือ (12,2) หมายถึง ความยาวของข้อมูลตัวเลข (numeric) ดังนี้ (19,5) เท่ากับตัวเลขจำนวนเต็ม 14 ตัว และมีทศนิยม 5 ตำแหน่ง และ (12,2) เท่ากับตัวเลขจำนวนเต็ม 10 ตัว และมี
statement of an offer for sale of securities in the category of units. “investor” means any person interested in investing in units. “statement” means any matter or fact, whether alphabetic, numeric, audio
ใหจัดสงแฟมขอความ AMC03.TXT โดยมีเฉพาะสวนของ Header เทานั้น แจงใหสํานักงานทราบผานระบบ 6. Length num (19,5) หรือ (12,2) หมายถึง ความยาวของขอมูลตัวเลข (numeric) ดังนี้ (19,5) เทากับตัวเลข จํานว
major products or services during the prior year by way of, for example, general comparison with competitors (numerical data not required), customers’ characteristics, target groups, sales and
marketing policies of the major products or services during the prior year by way of, for example, general comparison with competitors (numerical data not required), customers’ characteristics, target groups
impact (identify numerical assessment results, if available), tendency or possibility of such risk. In addition, the Company may further clarify specific preventive measures that have mitigated such risks
in general comparison with competitors (numerical data not required)), customers’ characteristics, target groups, sales and distribution channels. In case of export, specify the domestic/export sales
relationships and trends for which little or no numerical data is available Relies on numerical data and models; assesses measurable trends and relationships using models and other analytical techniques 1 2 3
efforts by setting numerical targets. • Investors demand low impact investment ESG rating/performance is important for companies to be included in ESG funds and will affect market activity and pricing. This
characteristics of such risks as well as the causative circumstances and potential impacts thereof (display numerical assessment results, if possible), tendency or probability of occurrence. Supplementary