Career Coaching 2020 - The New Norm for Smart Jobbers" ในวันเสาร์ที่ 29 สิงหาคม 2563 เพื่อเชิญชวนนักศึกษาและบุคคลทั่วไปในสาขาที่เกี่ยวข้องกับเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศเข้าร่วมงานสัมมนา ในรูปแบบ Virtual Event ผ่าน
Standard แก้ไขเพิ่มเติม พฤษภาคม 2561 เอกสารเปิดเผยข้อมูลความเสี่ยงเกี่ยวกับการลงทุนในหลักทรัพย์ต่างประเทศ การลงทุนในหลักทรัพย์ต่างประเทศมีความเสี่ยง ผู้ลงทุนอาจสูญเสียเงินลงทุนไม่ว่าทั้งหมดหรือบาง
Bangkok, December 6, 2012 ? The SEC is seeking public comment on a draft revision to the rule governing disclosure requirement of securities issuers in policy and arrangement on anti-corruption
Bangkok, December 6, 2012 ? The SEC is seeking public comment on a draft revision to the rule governing?disclosure requirement of securities issuers in policy and arrangement on anti-corruption
Bangkok, December 6, 2012 ? The SEC is seeking public comment on a draft revision to the rule governing disclosure requirement of securities issuers in policy and arrangement on anti-corruption
?Bangkok, December 11, 2012 ? The SEC is seeking public comment on draft regulations? governing advertisements and marketing campaigns for selling all financial products, particularly mutual funds of securities and derivatives companies. The regulations would contribute to improved standards and appropriate practices, allowing access to important information for investment decision making. Comments and suggestions on the matter are welcome until December 20, 2012Advertisement content and format...
Bangkok, January 20, 2014 ? The SEC is seeking public comment on draft rules on cross-border offering of ASEAN collective investment schemes (ASEAN CIS) to retail investors. When compiled with non-retail offering rules already in force, the ASEAN CIS cross-border offering rules will be comprehensive and more user-friendly. The proposed drat rules have been developed under the ASEAN Capital Markets Forum (ACMF)?s implementation plan, the ASEAN CIS framework and the common standards concerning qu...
Bangkok, January 21, 2010 ? The SEC is inviting public comment on revision to the rule governing establishment and management of Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) to allow offering of foreign ETFs on the
Bangkok, February 22, 2010 ? The SEC is inviting public comment on a draft revision to the rule governing the filing of registration statement by securities issuers to ensure that investors will have