Teratanavat, (3) Mr. Vijchu Chantatab, and (4) Mrs. Shanya Pengpunpat had collusively manipulated share price and/or trading volume of the Market for Alternative Investment (mai)-listed TIGER between 24-29
agreed or conspired on creating the false appearance of the price and volume of ACD shares by continuously transacted in the shares pushing it to the higher price. This actions misled the general public
Power (IRPC-CP Phase 1 and Phase 2) in November 2017, in which GPSC holds 51% equity, allowed the company to expand the electricity generating capacity resulting in an increase in volume of electricity
, increased by Baht 98 million or 1% from Q2/2018. The increase was mainly from the slight gain of revenue from Energy Payment (EP) of Sriracha Power Plant according to more dispatched volume to EGAT. In
venture - A Woody Drink company limited (“AWD”)’s management. In June 2020, the Company released Woody C+ Lock Orange Flavoured while began to export to neighboring countries in CLMV in a non- significant
Power Plant: Although the revenue in Q2/2017 decreased by 11% due to the decline of Energy Payment (EP) from the decrease in submitted electricity volume to Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand
9% from Q2/2017. The increase in the profit is due to the rise in sales price resulted from the increase in Ft rate in Q3/2017. Also, the volume of electricity and steam sold at Rayong Central
of Sharing Scheme for the neighboring communities. We would like to invite anybody capable of helping others to join our social sharing activity by refilling foods or daily essentials in our pantries
, resulting in higher revenue recognition together with the increase electricity sales volume corresponding to EGAT’s dispatch instruction and the decrease in maintenance cost as a result of the expiration of
addition, the dispatch volume from Houay-Ho as a result of the lower power generation. The company will also have to recognize the interest expense which increased by Baht 133 million from Q2/2019 as this