, (2) insufficient evidence on the reasonableness of the management's decision to approve the deposit payment for the investment in the Native based Scene Advertising Digital Solution, and (3) the
อนุมัติจ่ายเงินมัดจำเพื่อการลงทุนในโครงการ Native based Scene Advertising Digital Solution และ (3) การที่ผู้สอบบัญชีของบริษัทย่อยแสดงความเห็นต่องบการเงินบริษัทย่อยอย่างมีเงื่อนไข เนื่องจากบริษัทย่อยไม่ได้
decision to approve the deposit payment for the investment in the Native based Scene Advertising Digital Solution, and (3) the auditor’s qualified opinion on the financial statements of the subsidiary
ลงทุนในโครงการ Native based Scene Advertising Digital Solution และ (3) การท่ีผูส้อบบญัชีของบริษทัยอ่ยแสดงความเห็นต่องบการเงิน บริษทัยอ่ยอยา่งมีเง่ือนไข เน่ืองจากบริษทัยอ่ยไม่ไดต้ั้งค่าเผือ่หน้ีสงสัยจะสูญ
strategy, especially in energy investments. The construction of our second Japan solar farm of 10.57MW in Japan is progressing well with confirmed expected commissioning in the 3rd Quarter of 2017. The PDI
artificial regeneration to regenerate forest of the same native species, with most of the principal characteristics and key elements of native ecosystems of that site, is not by itself considered as conversion
year. The major renovation at CentralWorld is progressing as planned. The major renovation at CentralWorld is progressing as planned. In 1Q18, CPN curbed its renovation work during January and February
by the end of 2019 as a new stopover landmark for both local and tourists. The major renovation at CentralWorld is progressing as planned and will gradually complete by 3Q18. Asset Enhancement
reach 100 billion baht (3.3 billion USD) by the end of this year. The commitment underscores our objective of progressing towards meeting the UN SDGs. The sustainability bond has been met with
transform in Firefox } // 1. Prevent a WebKit bug where (2) destroys native `audio` and `video` // controls in Android 4. // 2. Correct the inability to style clickable types in iOS and Safari. button, html