Leadership Academy? project with a view to fostering new generation? leadership, business and financial literacy and morality. The SEC, jointly with TLCA and maiA, will support the ?Territorial Defense
economy or the national security or peace and order or the morality of the public, a license for establishment shall be issued and the association related to securities business shall be registered. Clause
economy or the national security or peace and order or the morality of the public, a license for establishment shall be issued and the association related to securities business shall be registered. Clause
economy or the national security or peace and order or the morality of the public, a license for establishment shall be issued and the association related to securities business shall be registered. Clause
greenhouse gas emissions. Conducting business with care and consideration for stakeholders, the economy, society, and the environment, guided by morality, ethics, and integrity. Supporting and developing the
from the recognition of tax shield as aforementioned. Liabilities as of 30 September 2017 decreased substantially mainly from the repayment of debt owed to financial institutions. The repayment was from
building renovation while other asset mostly increased from deferred tax which added by THB 26.6 million stemming from the recognition of tax shield as aforementioned. Additionally, the Company’s trade
shield. This is one of our key commitments to investor protection. Furthermore, we have stepped up our proactive approaches with the launch of the Investment Scam Hotline initiative to allow the public and
QR Payment, as well as self-checkout. All associates wear a face mask and face shield at all times during operating hours. • Associates: The Company takes great concern for associates’ safety and has
นท่ีใหบ้ริการทกุคนสวมใส่หนา้กาก, Face Shield และถุงมือ พรอ้มทัง้ตรวจคดักรองอณุหภมูิก่อนเขา้ปฎิบตัิงาน และตัง้จุดคดักรองเพ่ือตรวจจับอณุหภูมิสาํหรบัผูเ้ขา้ใช้ บริการใหเ้ป็นไปตามนโยบายสุขอนามัยเฝ้าระวงัป้องกัน