major shareholder of SRD, direct holding 27% and indirect holding 13% shares. Transaction type LHMH will enter into an agreement to be an advisor to re-merchandise and manage renovated sales area in
LIMITED MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS FOR Q1/2018 2 2. ECONOMIC SITUATION Thai economy in Q1/2018 continually expanded, supported by every economic engine especially merchandise exports, which were
36.6% ▪ Revenue from Retail Merchandise 10.4 1.6% 12.0 2.0% 1.6 15.4% Franchise Fee Income 17.5 2.7% 14.8 2.4% -2.7 -15.6% Revenue from sales of goods and services 633.6 98.4% 596.6 98.6% -37.0 -5.8
to stimulate sales. For example, the HomePro Fair was rolled out to the provincial area in the second quarter and was well received. The introduction of new format, ‘HomePro S’, to expand the customer
to stimulate sales. For example, the HomePro Fair was rolled out to the provincial area in the second quarter and was well received. The introduction of new format, ‘HomePro S’, to expand the customer
MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS FOR 2017 2 2. ECONOMIC SITUATION Thai economy continually expanded supported by every economic engine especially merchandise exports that were uplifted from global trade
% Revenue from Retail Merchandise 6.9 0.9% 13.7 4.4% 98.6% Total Revenue from Sales of Food and Beverages 739.4 100.0% 314.0 100.0% -57.5% Revenues 1st Half % Change 2019 2020 THB Mn % (1) THB Mn % (1
merchandise exports which continued expand with a growth 13.1% consistent with global demand growth and continual increase in crude oil prices. Domestic demand robustly expanded by private consumption which
% Revenue from Retail Merchandise 3.4 0.5% 10.4 1.7% 208.4% Total Revenue from Sales of Food and Beverages 710.0 100.0% 616.1 100.0% -13.2% In the 1st quarter of 2019 and 2020, revenue from sales of food and
The SEC approved the 2004-2007 strategic plan covering supervision and development in the area of equity market, debt instrument market, mutual fund, and futures exchange. This aims at fortifying