?Preparing for Happy Retirement? to urge those at working and near retirement ages to realize importance on preparation for financial as well as mental and physical health prior to beginning of the new stage
incre- mental demand for virgin raw materials to support fibers demand, thereby providing the potential for Asia PTA margin upside. Figure 6: Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) Segment Note: Holding
Gazette on May 27, 2019 and effective May 28, 2019 onward, except for the operative provisions related to personal data protection, which will take effect within one year of the law’s effective date The
to charitable organizations such as the Ratchaburi Home for Mental ly Handicapped Children, the Mirror Foundation, the Nakhon Pathom Home for the Elderly, and the Saraburi Home for Girls, etc
Notification and such office shall remain operative under the scope of operations prescribed under the said Notification. The service office shall also be subject to this Notification and other notifications
permitted to operate as a branch office under this Notification and such office shall remain operative under the scope of operations prescribed under the said Notification. The service office shall also be
comes into force, it shall be deemed that such service office is permitted to operate as a branch office under this Notification and such office shall remain operative under the scope of operations
) (4) Management classification Add: Acquisition cost and pre-operative expense 1 10 3 Management classification Add: Extra expenses related to PO/MTBE turnaround - (0) 3 Management classification Add
his/her signature; however, if the cause of such person’s inability to affix signature is the inability to appreciate the nature of one’s act or to control oneself owing to physical or mental illness
is a result of such person being unconscious or unable to control oneself due to a physical illness or a mental disorder, the offeror is not required to have such person affix signature in the