SEC plans to issue additional requirements relating to the structure of the Board of Directors and Management of IPO companies and listed companies to the current regulations on the check and balance system (for example, independent directors and audit committee members) that will enhance the image and create confidence for the Thai capital markets. In addition, this approach is in line with the principles of corporate governance (CG), which has been adopted since 2002 by most IPO companies...
national legislative frameworks, regulatory disclosure requirements or listing rules. As global guidance, it should be read with the understanding that local rules and cultural norms may lead to different
Currently, investors are usually required to provide a lot of information each time they request services from an intermediary and must repeat the process via different forms when using services of
investment, impact investing, ESG engagement, stewardship, socially responsible investment (SRI) and sustainability investment will imply different activities for different parties. And, confusingly, sometimes
2018. Lastly, VGI Group generated total net profit of THB 260mn (prior year: THB 202mn), an increase by 28.8% YoY. As many of our newly developed and acquired business have different cost structures such
, should deliver meaningful explanations that enable the reader to understand their approach to stewardship. In providing an explanation, the signatory should aim to illustrate how its actual practices
multiplying: HFCs PFCs N2 O CO2SF6 CH4 Each fuel type (coal, gas, etc.) emits different amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere per unit used, known as its energy intensity Unit of Measurement: Metric
efficient allocation of resources. It focuses on the quality and consistency the different elements of regulations that influence corporate governance practices and the division of responsibilities between
“Risk Factors” and separate different types of risk factors into different subsections. 3. In case of offering for sales of unusually risky debt securities, highlight the riskiness of securities on the
such a way as to take advantage of other persons by using adverse material non-public information concerning LVT net loss in Q1/2010 of 37.65 million baht which was significantly different from LVT net