Detailed Rules on Maintenance of Capital of Investment Advisors and Derivatives Advisors and Provisions in Case of Failure to Maintain Capital
Section 97 Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 Section 97. A securities company shall maintain capital adequacy in accordance with the rules, conditions and procedures as specified by the SEC.
Section 97 Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 Section 97. A securities company shall maintain capital adequacy in accordance with the rules, conditions and procedures as specified by the SEC.
subsidiaries, establishment of new subsidiaries and Acquisition of Ordinary Shares in A.T.P. Friend Service Co., Ltd. (Revised) 16/12/2021 07:56 Capital increase in subsidiaries, establishment of new
Bangkok, December 12, 2014 ? The SEC is seeking public comment on proposed revisions of capital requirement for asset management companies to maintain adequate minimum capital requirement for
The Derivatives Act The Derivatives Act B.E. 2546 SECTION 18. In order to protect customers, maintain stability of the financial system or control the risks arising from derivatives, the SEC shall
The Derivatives Act The Derivatives Act B.E. 2546 SECTION 18. In order to protect customers, maintain stability of the financial system or control the risks arising from derivatives, the SEC shall
. Pichit Chatskulwong's account, her husband's friend, by using material information to changes in the prices of securities, prior to disclosure such information to the public on 11 August, 2017
derivatives broker, failed to maintain the net capital (?NC?) in accordance with the rules, conditions and procedures of the Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission. SEC Act S.97 Settlement
DBS Vickers Securities (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. Between May 29, 2019 and June 11, 2019, DBS Vickers Securities (Thailand) Co.,Ltd., as a securities and derivatives broker, failed to maintain net capital